List of Famous Proverbs about Smile in English and Sayings

Smile Proverb of the Day

Patience begins with tears and ends with a smile.

- Spanish Proverb

African Proverbs About Smile

A good smile shows how happy the soul is.

- African Proverbs about Smile

A good smile shows how happy the soul is.

- African Proverbs about Smile

The cheapest way to improve your looks is to wear a smile.

- African Proverbs about Smile

The cheapest way to improve your looks is to wear a smile.

- African Proverbs about Smile

A friend who fawns is better than an enemy who smiles.

- African Proverbs about Smile

A man who smiles when he's been robbed has stolen something from the thief.

If it's a big man that is hurting you, smile at him.

Smile... heaven is watching.

The cheapest way to win a person is by a smile.

The shortest distance between two people is a smile.

Life is like a mirror if you fawn it, it fawns back and if you smile, it smiles.

African Proverbs About Life

Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you.

African Proverbs About Beauty

The tooth is a fool because it smiles to whom it even dislikes.

A bottle that believes it's cracked to smile it will end up on the dustbin.

American Proverbs About Smile

A smile is worth a thousand words.

Marrying for love is risky, but god smiles on it.

Candour once went further boldly and in smiles, but it crept home in tatters and tears.

Chinese Proverbs About Smile

A smile will gain you ten more years of life.

Chinese Proverbs About Smile

A smile will gain you ten more years of life.

Chinese Proverbs About Smile

A smile makes you ten years younger.

A smile woth a thousand ounces of gold.

Don't open a shop unless you like to smile.

If you have nothing else to offer me, offer me your smile.

When a woman talks to you, smile but do not listen.

The main thing is that we can smile at our duties - yes even at our suffering.

Smile Proverb List

When the host smiles most blandly he has an eye to the guest's purse.

Danish Proverbs

A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.

Danish Proverbs

All are not friends who smile on you.

Dutch Proverb

When prosperity smiles, beware of its guiles.

Dutch Proverb

Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you cry alone.

English Proverb

A smile shortens the distance.

French Proverb

Priests even smile pleasantly on young women.

- German Proverb.

All are not your friends who smile at you.


Smiles that you broadcast, will always come back to you.

- Indian Proverb

Smiles that you broadcast, will always come back to you.

- Indian Proverb

May the smile of God light you to glory.

- Irish Proverb

Trouble hates nothing as much as a smile.

- Irish Proverb

He who wears a smile instead of worrying is always the strongest.

- Japanese Proverb

Instead of worrying, a strong man wears a smile.

- Japanese Proverb

Never rely on the glory of the morning nor the smiles of your mother-in-law.

- Japanese Proverb

When a girl in the teahouse smiles at you, look the other way.

- Japanese Proverb

One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.

- Japanese Proverb

Once in each man's life fortune smiles.

- Latin Proverb

We need not friends if Providence smiles on us.

- Latin Proverb

Fortune smiles on the brave, and frowns upon the coward.

- Latin Proverb

A tear at the right moment is better than a misplaced smile.

- Persian Proverb

Every tear has a smile behind it.

- Persian Proverb

Patience begins with tears and ends with a smile.

- Spanish Proverb *

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