List of Famous Proverbs about Love in English and Sayings
Proverbs about love, originating from various cultures and traditions across the globe, often encapsulate enduring wisdom regarding relationships, emotions, and the intricate nature of love. These sayings reflect the universal experiences of affection and connection that transcend time and place. Below is an expanded list of well-known proverbs about love in English, along with their detailed interpretations:
"Love is blind." This proverb conveys the idea that when individuals are in love, they often fail to see the flaws or imperfections in their partners. Love can create a strong emotional connection that allows people to focus solely on the positive traits of their loved ones, disregarding any shortcomings that could be apparent to outsiders. This saying underscores how powerful emotions can cloud one's judgment, leading to a selective perception that may result in overlooking a partner’s faults. While this can foster a sense of acceptance and understanding, it can also lead to unwise choices and unrealistic expectations that might complicate the relationship over time.
"The heart wants what it wants." This saying suggests that love is not always driven by logic or reason. It indicates that individuals cannot always choose whom they fall in love with, as their emotions are often guided by deep-seated desires and instincts. This proverb points to the powerful, sometimes uncontrollable nature of love, which can lead people to make choices that may not make sense from a rational viewpoint. The heart's ability to follow its own inclinations, even in ways that seem mysterious or inexplicable, reflects the complexity and unpredictability of human emotions.
"Love conquers all." This proverb embodies the belief that love possesses an extraordinary power capable of overcoming any challenges or obstacles that may arise. It conveys the idea that genuine love can withstand difficulties, ranging from societal pressures to personal conflicts. This saying emphasizes the resilience and durability of love, suggesting that when two individuals truly care for one another, they can navigate through all sorts of problems together. The strength of their bond enables them to face adversities, whether they stem from external circumstances or internal struggles.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." This phrase implies that when people who care for each other are separated, their feelings can deepen over time. The distance between loved ones can intensify emotions, fostering a stronger appreciation for each other. This saying reflects the notion that being apart can evoke a sense of longing and realization regarding the value of the other person in one's life. As they experience the absence, individuals may come to understand just how meaningful their connection is, leading to a heightened emotional bond when they reunite.
"Actions speak louder than words." This proverb emphasizes that true expressions of love are often demonstrated through actions rather than mere words. It suggests that what one does for their partner holds more significance than what they say. In the context of love, showing care, commitment, and affection through meaningful actions—such as providing support, being considerate, or making sacrifices—proves to be more impactful than simply verbally declaring one’s feelings. This saying highlights the importance of consistent efforts and genuine behaviors within relationships, reinforcing the idea that love is best shown through tangible deeds rather than empty promises.
"All’s fair in love and war." This saying conveys the notion that traditional rules and moral standards may not apply in the intense situations of love or conflict. In these moments, individuals might act unpredictably or break social conventions to pursue their desires. The proverb recognizes that love can inspire passionate behavior that mirrors the chaos of war, where people might act selfishly or impulsively in their quest for affection. It acknowledges that when it comes to love, individuals may take risks, engage in deception, or disregard rules in order to win someone’s heart.
"The course of true love never did run smooth." Originating from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream, this proverb highlights that true love often encounters numerous challenges and obstacles. It suggests that real love is seldom straightforward or easy. Relationships frequently face difficulties, such as misunderstandings, circumstances that arise from distance, societal pressures, or personal differences. However, these struggles can also serve to strengthen the bond between partners. Overcoming challenges together can make the relationship more resilient, illustrating that the path of love may be bumpy, but perseverance can lead to deeper connections.
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." This saying, attributed to Alfred Lord Tennyson, conveys the idea that experiencing love, even if it ultimately leads to heartbreak or loss, is far more meaningful than never having loved in the first place. The essence of this proverb lies in the belief that the joy and fulfillment derived from love contribute significantly to our lives. Love, despite its potential for pain, enriches our emotional experiences and helps us grow. The highs and lows that accompany love are intrinsic to being human, showcasing the beauty of human connection. The saying celebrates love as a transformative journey that shapes who we are.
"Love is a two-way street." This proverb emphasizes that love is a mutual experience that requires effort and commitment from both partners in a relationship. It suggests that love cannot flourish if it is one-sided; instead, both individuals must actively engage in nurturing their bond. For love to truly thrive, it is essential that both people demonstrate care, respect, and understanding. The idea of reciprocity in love is vital; both partners need to give and receive affection, support, and encouragement. This balance is crucial for creating a healthy and stable relationship that stands the test of time.
"Where there is love, there is life." This saying, often linked to Mahatma Gandhi, encapsulates the notion that love is fundamental to existence. It highlights how love enriches our human experience, providing us with meaning and purpose. Love infuses our lives with joy, energy, and fulfillment, serving as a powerful motivator that inspires individuals to embrace life positively. The absence of love—whether it is romantic, familial, or platonic—can make life feel hollow or unfulfilled, emphasizing how vital love is to our overall happiness.
"Love is like a flower; you’ve got to let it grow." This proverb indicates that love requires time, care, and patience in order to develop and flourish, much like a flower in a garden. Relationships cannot be rushed; they thrive when nurtured through understanding and effort over time. Just as a flower needs sunlight and water, love demands attention and care to blossom into something beautiful and lasting. The message is clear: growth in love is essential, and expecting immediate perfection can hinder the deeper connection that can be achieved with time and dedication.
"Love makes the world go round." This saying suggests that love is the driving force behind human interactions and gives life its true meaning. Love, in its various forms—be it romantic, familial, or friendship—brings people together and encourages acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion. This proverb implies that without love, life would be devoid of warmth, connection, and purpose, underscoring the importance of love in creating a fulfilling existence.
"Out of sight, out of mind." This proverb means that when someone is not physically present, it is easy to forget them. Distance or separation can weaken emotional attachment and feelings. This saying contrasts with the idea that "absence makes the heart grow fonder," as it suggests that love or fondness may diminish when individuals are apart for extended periods. It reflects the role that physical proximity plays in maintaining emotional ties and the challenges posed by separation in relationships.
"Love is patient, love is kind." This proverb, which originates from the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:4), outlines the essential qualities that true love embodies. It requires a sense of patience and understanding, coupled with kindness towards one another. True love does not rush or demand immediate results; instead, it promotes compassion and care. It emphasizes that love is not about personal gain but about giving, supporting, and accepting one another's flaws. This understanding fosters a nurturing and harmonious relationship.
"Love and a cough cannot be hidden." This saying points out that, just like a cough that cannot be concealed, love is also impossible to hide. It emphasizes the visibility of genuine emotions. When someone truly feels affection, it tends to show itself through actions and behaviors, regardless of attempts to keep it secret. This proverb highlights the uncontrollable nature of love, suggesting that authentic feelings will ultimately reveal themselves in various ways.
In Summary: These proverbs about love impart timeless wisdom regarding the joys, challenges, and intricacies of relationships. They focus on fundamental values such as patience, reciprocity, kindness, and the significance of action in expressing love. By examining the thrill of new love, the heartache of separation, or the resilience of enduring affection, these sayings provide insights into the essence of love in our lives.
Love Proverb of the Day
Where poverty comes in, love goes out.
- Sicilian Proverbs About Love
African Proverbs About Love |
Love is like a baby; it needs to be treated tenderly. |
Love is like cough you can't hold it back. |
Love is a painkiller. African Proverbs About Love |
Love begets love. African Proverbs About Love |
Love is like a baby; it needs to be treated tenderly. African Proverbs About Love |
Love is in blood not in talking. African Proverbs About Love |
Love never gets lost it's only kept. |
True love means what's mine is yours. African Proverbs |
It's better to fall from a tree and a break your back than to fall in love and break your heart. African Proverbs |
Many hens may be in love with one cock, but none will be jealous of the other. |
It's much easier to fall in love than to stay in love. African Proverbs About Love |
He who is grown up should respect and love others. African Proverbs About Love |
It is difficult for two long-nosed lovers to kiss. African Proverbs About Love |
He who loves the vase loves also what is inside. African Proverbs About Love |
Brothers love each other when they are equally rich. African Proverbs About Love |
The grave only calls those death loves. African Proverbs About Love |
If you're a good person even after death your grave is loved. African Proverbs About Love |
When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow. African Proverbs About Love |
He who doesn't feel jealousy is not in love. African Proverbs About Love |
To be able to love other people you must be able to love yourself. African Proverbs About Love |
To love that one who never loves you is like rain falling in the forest. African Proverbs About Love |
There is no physician who can cure the disease of love. African Proverbs About Love |
Who does not love to dance, does not love to sing. African Proverbs About Love |
It is better to be loved than feared. African Proverbs About Love |
Pretend you are dead and you will see who really loves you. African Proverbs About Love |
The partridge loves peas, but not those that go into the pot with it. African Proverbs About Love |
To love a king is not bad, but a king who loves you is better. African Proverbs About Love |
A fish and bird may fall in love but the two cannot build a home together. African Proverbs About Love |
Why take away something by force which you can obtain by love. African Proverbs About Love |
Bees sting him who loves honey. African Proverbs About Love |
The path leads towards loved ones not thorns. African Proverbs About Love |
The buttocks are like a married couple though there is constant friction between them; they will still love and live together. African Proverbs About Love |
Don't look into the eyes of your lover, or you will see what he has told many women before. African Proverbs About Love |
To love someone who does not love you, is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. African Proverbs About Love |
A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries. African Proverbs About Love |
What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn. African Proverbs About Love |
She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; everyone likes, loves and honours her; she is a goddess. African Proverbs |
Live patiently in the world; know that those who hate you are more numerous than those who love you. |
American Proverb about Love |
To be successful in love, one must know how to begin and when to stop. |
Don't marry without love, but don't love without reason. American Proverb about Love |
Marrying for love is risky, but god smiles on it. American Proverb about Love |
Even an ass loves to hear himself bray. American Proverb about Love |
Love of dress is sure the very curse. American Proverb about Love |
Love enters man through his eyes, woman through her ears. American Proverb about Love |
Love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe. American Proverb about Love |
Love your neighbour, but do not pull down the fence. American Proverb about Love |
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. American Proverb about Love |
The best chaperon a girl can have is to be in love with another fellow. American Proverb about Love |
It's as difficult to win love as to wrap salt in pine needles. American Proverb about Love |
All is fair in love and golf. American Proverb about Love |
Business is business, and love is love. American Proverb about Love |
Choose your love, then love your choice. American Proverb about Love |
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. American Proverb about Love |
Make love, not war. American Proverb about Love |
We always return to our first loves. American Proverb about Love |
Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love and attention make all things grow. |
Love me, love my dog. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love is blind, friendship closes its eyes. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love is an eye that doesn't see anything. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love is incompatible with fear. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love my house, love the crow on it. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love is blind, and greed insatiable. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love itself is calm; turbulence arrives from individuals. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love for a person must extend to the crows on his roof. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love your neighbors, but do not pull down the fence. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Love has its tides; before ebb tide you must take advantage of the flood. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
For people who love even water is sweet. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
The main road is an easy way, but everyone loves the side streets. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
He who loves peace minds his own business. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
An old man in love is like a flower in winter. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Spouses that love each other say a thousand things without speaking. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
A flower cannot blossom without sunshine nor a garden without love. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Whoever tastes from the head of a poppy will not expect any thing from love. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Better a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
The woman who deceives her husband makes her lover swear never to be unfaithful to her. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who find pleasure in it. Chinese Proverbs About Love |
Danish Proverb about Love |
Love has produced some heroes but many idiots too. |
When mistrust enters, love departs. Danish Proverb about Love |
Likeness is the mother of love. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love and poverty are hard to conceal. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love is one-eyed, hate is blind. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love me little and love me long. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love is blind and thinks that others don't see either. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love begets love. Danish Proverb about Love |
Love's plant must be watered with tears, and tended with care. Danish Proverb about Love |
The man loves with his head, the woman thinks with her heart. Danish Proverb about Love |
He loves me as the devil loves holy water. Danish Proverb about Love |
Kisses are the messengers of love. Danish Proverb about Love |
The person who loves sorrow will always find something to moan about. Danish Proverb about Love |
Faults are thick where love is thin. Danish Proverb about Love |
English Proverbs About Love |
Love lives in cottages as well as in court. |
Love makes a good eye squint. English Proverbs About Love |
Love is blind. English Proverbs About Love |
Love laughs at locksmiths. English Proverbs About Love |
Love is full of busy fear. English Proverbs About Love |
Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge. English Proverbs About Love |
Absence sharpens love; presence strengthens it. English Proverbs About Love |
Of soup and love, the first is best. English Proverbs About Love |
Make love not war. English Proverbs About Love |
Likeness is the mother of love. English Proverbs About Love |
Make love like war. English Proverbs About Love |
Dead news, like dead love, has no phoenix in its ashes. English Proverbs About Love |
If you want to be loved, be loveable. English Proverbs About Love |
Misery loves company. English Proverbs About Love |
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. English Proverbs About Love |
Faults are thick where love is thin. English Proverbs About Love |
Never love with all your heart, it only ends in breaking. English Proverbs About Love |
A man has a choice to begin love, but not to end it. English Proverbs About Love |
Do when ye may, or suffer ye the nay, in love 'tis the way. English Proverbs About Love |
A poor beauty finds more lovers than husbands. English Proverbs About Love |
All's fair in love and war. English Proverbs About Love |
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. English Proverbs About Love |
Jove but laughs at lover's perjury. English Proverbs About Love |
Cold pudding settles love. English Proverbs About Love |
He that plants trees loves others besides himself. English Proverbs About Love |
The course of true love never did run smooth. English Proverbs About Love |
Whom we love best, to them we can say the least. English Proverbs About Love |
They who love most are least valued. English Proverbs About Love |
Every ass loves to hear himself bray. English Proverbs About Love |
Absence, and a friendly neighbor, washeth away love. English Proverbs About Love |
Don't trudge mud into the house of love. English Proverbs About Love |
All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet. English Proverbs About Love |
Whom the gods love die young. English Proverbs About Love |
The measure of our sacrifice is the measure of our love. English Proverbs About Love |
Romeo must die in order to save the love. English Proverbs About Love |
Fire is love and water sorrow. English Proverbs About Love |
Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at the present. English Proverbs About Love |
Craftiness must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked. English Proverbs About Love |
As love thinks no evil, so envy speaks no good. English Proverbs About Love |
Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned. English Proverbs About Love |
If you don't love yourself with passion, you'll love others with it. Passion is conserved. English Proverbs About Love |
French Proverbs About Love |
Love is often the fruit of marriage. French Proverbs About Love |
Likeness is the mother of love. French Proverbs About Love |
Love does much, money everything. French Proverbs About Love |
Love expels jealousy. French Proverbs About Love |
Love teaches asses to dance. French Proverbs About Love |
Love Bertrand love his dog. French Proverbs About Love |
Love me little and love me long. French Proverbs About Love |
Love teaches even asses to dance. French Proverbs About Love |
Love and lordship like no fellowship. French Proverbs About Love |
Love makes time pass; time makes love pass. French Proverbs About Love |
Love, a cough, and smoke will not remain secret. French Proverbs About Love |
Love does wonders, but money makes marriages. French Proverbs About Love |
Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass. French Proverbs About Love |
Love subdues everything except the recreant's heart. French Proverbs About Love |
Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion. French Proverbs About Love |
Love, a cough, smoke, and money, cannot long be hid. French Proverbs About Love |
Love makes time pass away, and time makes love pass away. French Proverbs About Love |
Love is the dawn of marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love. French Proverbs About Love |
Loving with the eyes only, has blinded a lot of fools. French Proverbs About Love |
He who marries for love has good nights and bad days. French Proverbs About Love |
Who is born a chicken loves scratching. French Proverbs About Love |
Always in love, never married. French Proverbs About Love |
Real love is when you don't have to tell each other. French Proverbs About Love |
Who loves well is slow to forget. French Proverbs About Love |
In love and war don't seek counsel. French Proverbs About Love |
One always returns to one's first love. French Proverbs About Love |
Without bread and wine even love will pine. French Proverbs About Love |
Who loves well, chastises well. French Proverbs About Love |
Pity is akin to love. French Proverbs About Love |
To love is to choose. French Proverbs About Love |
By beating love decays. French Proverbs About Love |
A good hater,a good lover. French Proverbs About Love |
Old cats love young mice. French Proverbs About Love |
Never did capon love a hen. French Proverbs About Love |
One grows used to love and to fire. |
It is loving too much to die of love. |
There is no love without jealousy. |
Mother's love is ever in its spring. |
What you love is always beautiful. |
The only victory over love is flight. |
A fence between makes love more keen. |
It is overdoing the thing to die of love. |
Where there's music there can be love. |
The first love letters are written with the eyes. |
The love that you die from is too big. |
To love and to be wise are two different things. |
Being loved is the best way of being useful. |
To be loved is the best way of being useful. |
Old love and old brands kindle at all seasons. |
He has a very hard heart who does not love May. |
When the furze is in bloom, my love's in tune. |
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. |
Where love sets the table food tastes at its best. |
Some fathers love another man's daughter most. |
Try to reason about love, and you will lose your reason. |
Small gifts maintain friendship, big ones maintain love. |
In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek. |
When we cannot get what we love, we must love what is within our reach. |
The pleasure of love lasts but a moment, The pain of love lasts a lifetime. |
For most people love of justice is no more than the fear to suffer injustice. |
If you want to love your household as much as your bread then you will have to knead your wife like dough. |
German Proverbs About Love |
Love's anger is fuel to love. - German Proverb |
Love sees roses without thorns. - German Proverb. |
Love grows with obstacles. - German Proverb. |
Love begins at home. - German Proverb. |
Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace. - German Proverb. |
Love your neighbor, but keep your fence. - German Proverb |
Love without return is like a question without an answer. - German Proverb |
Man loves but once. - German Proverb. |
Early marriage, long love. - German Proverb. |
A wall between increases love. - German Proverb. |
Choose thy love. Love thy choice. - German Proverb. |
Nature and love cannot be hid. - German Proverb. |
A fence makes love more keen. - German Proverb. |
The cat loves fish, but is loth to wet her feet. - German Proverb. |
Scratch a lover and find an enemy. - German Proverb. |
One cannot love and be wise. - German Proverb. |
For love the wolf eats the sheep. German Proverb. |
An old man loved is a winter with flowers. - German Proverb. |
All's fair in love and war. - German Proverb. |
An old coachman loves the crack of the whip. - German Proverb. |
Coffee and love are best when they are hot. - German Proverb. |
Fortune is like women: loves youth and is fickle. German Proverb. |
He that marries for love has good nights, but sorry days. - German Proverb. |
Never listen to these three advisers: wine, the night, and love. - German Proverb. |
Follow Love and it will flee, Flee love and it will follow thee. German Proverb. |
Who lends his lips to nought but blame, has in his heart no love of fame. - German Proverb. |
He who forces love when none is found, remains a fool the whole year round. - German Proverb. |
April weather, woman's love, rose-leaves, dice, and card-luck, change every moment. - German Proverb. |
Indian Proverbs about Love |
Love is a crocodile in the river of desire. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Love from someone who is bad is worse than his hatred. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Poverty makes thieves, like love makes poets. Indian Proverbs about Love |
He who loves drives a nail into his heart. Indian Proverbs about Love |
It is love that makes the impossible possible. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Without love everything is in vain. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Man loves his own mistakes. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Poverty makes thieves, like love makes poets. Indian Proverbs about Love |
In love beggar and king are equal. Indian Proverbs about Love |
He who loves the truth has many enemies. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Since love departs at dawn, create, O God, a night that has no morn. Indian Proverbs about Love |
Irish Proverb about Love |
Love conceals ugliness, and hate sees many faults. |
Love is blind to blemishes and faults. |
Love is blind. |
It's easy to halve the potato where there's love. |
The only cure for love is marriage. |
It is easy to halve the potato where there is love. |
Money swore an oath that nobody that did not love it should ever have it. |
A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. |
Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love me love my dog. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love knows not labour. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love rules without law. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love levels all inequalities. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love me little and love me long. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love is an excuse for its own faults. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love is master of all arts. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love rules without rules. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love rules his kingdom without a sword. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love is blind but sees afar. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Lovers think others are blind. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love your friend with his faults. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love kills time and time kills love. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love and lordship like no fellowship. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Lovers' purses are tied with cobwebs. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love demands faith, and faith firmness. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love, a cough, and smoke, are hard to hide. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love is the true price at which love is bought. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love's merchandise is jealousy and broken faith. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love begins with song and music and ends in a sea of tears. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Love, should i escape your snares, i doubt that i can be trapped by any other means. Italian Proverbs About Love |
Who loves the tree loves the branch. |
A lover's anger is short-lived. |
Who loves, fears. |
Who loves, believes. |
Where love is there the eye is. |
He loves well who does not forget. |
Counsel is nothing against love. |
As is the lover so is the beloved. |
Anger increases love. |
True love never grows old. |
Absence is the enemy of love. |
In the war of love who flies conquers. |
There is no love without jealousy. |
Likeness is the mother of love. |
There is no love like the first love. |
Who loves well chastises well. |
He who is not impatient is not in love. |
He saith little that loveth much. |
The man who loves is easy of belief. |
Who suffers from love, feels no pain. |
Who loves to roam may lose his home. |
We love the treason but hate the traitor. |
The cat loves fish, but is loth to wet her feet. |
Choose neither a lover nor linen by candlelight. |
Who has no children does not know what love is. |
Let him not be a lover who has not courage. |
The more physical the love, the more sublime. |
Everyone loves justice in the affairs of another. |
Absence is a foe to love; out of sight out of mind. |
Where there is great love there is great pain. |
Who has love in his heart has spurs in his sides. |
It is all one whether you die of sickness or of love. |
Does your neighbour love you? Lend him a sequin. |
Happy is she who is in love with an old dotard. |
You will not be loved if you think of yourself alone. |
The purse of loved ones is tied with a gossamer thread. |
It is better to have a husband without love than jealous. |
Where there is equality there never can be perfect love. |
In a thousand pounds of law there is not one ounce of love. |
If you want to buy love, love itself is the price you'll have to pay. |
Absence is a foe to love; away from the eyes, away from the heart. |
A woman who loves to be at the window is like a bunch of grapes on the wayside. |
Vexations, duly borne, Are but as trials, which heaven's love to man Sends for his good. |
Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Love and a cough cannot be hidden. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Love lives in palaces as well as in thatched cottages. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
The extreme form of passionate love is secret love. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Eat before falling in love. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
If you love your son, let him travel. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
A man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
A man in love mistakes a harelip for a dimple. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
If you love your son, make him leave home. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
If you make love in the shade you get cold. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Two lovers in the rain have no need of an umbrella. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
To the partial eyes of a lover, pockmarks seem like dimples. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
In the eyes of a lover a pock-marked face is one with pretty dimples. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
When someone offends you, you haven't given him enough love. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one. Japanese Proverbs About Love |
It's awful, I hate it" is hardly the other side of "That is beautiful and I loved it." |
Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love is the fruit of love. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Pain mingles with pleasure. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love brooks no delay. Latin Proverbs About Love |
To be loved, be loveable. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Lovers are madmen. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love is a kind of military service. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love and a cough cannot be hid. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love and dignity do not dwell together. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love steals on us imperceptibly. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love is like a shuttlecock. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love conquers all things; let us own her dominion. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love for those too easily won does not last long. Latin Proverbs About Love |
Love would soon perish, unless nourished by Ceres and Bacchus. Latin Proverbs About Love |
It is more wicked to love a sin than to commit one. |
To be in love and act wisely is scarcely granted to a god. |
He who is in love with himself need fear no rival. |
A lover should be regarded as a person demented. |
No one loves another better than himself. |
A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. |
He who loves a one-eyed girl thinks that one-eyed girls are beautiful. |
A woman either loves or hates, there is no third course. |
Habit causes love. |
Every lover is a slave: he follows captive at his mistress's heels. |
No herb can remedy the anguish of love. |
Feigned love is worse than hatred. |
If a man falls in love with a frog, he thinks his frog a very Diana. |
Where the love is, thither turns the eye. |
No folly like being in love. |
Late hours and love and wine lead not to moderation in anything. |
Many will hate you if you love yourself. |
What limit is there in love? |
Even Jupiter himself cannot be in love and wise at the same time. |
The pleasures of love are enhanced by injuries. |
Who loves me loves my dog. |
Perhaps you will soon find another, and a fairer, lover. |
The course of true love never did run smooth. |
Jove but laughs at lover's perjury. |
Music provokes love. |
You can't love Thetis and Galatea at the same time. |
Everything beautiful is loveable. |
What is there that love will not achieve? |
Hay smells different to lovers and horses. |
Kings love the treason, but not the traitor. |
Self-love is a mote in every man's eye. |
Quarrels enhance the pleasures of love. |
By what servant is his master better loved than by his dog? |
The grasshopper is dear to the grasshopper, the ant loves the ant. |
Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love knows no law. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love should be paid with love. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love is paid with love. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love and lordship like no fellowship. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Lovers' quarrels are love redoubled. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love and faith are seen in their works. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Love is blind. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Lovers' fights, double loves. Portuguese Proverbs Love |
Poverty never sped well in love. |
Deeds are love, and not sweet words. |
Misery loves company. |
All the world loves a lover. |
Of soup and love, the first is the best. |
Mad love, I for you and you for another. |
To love and be wise is incompatible. |
If one loves the ugly, one shall find it beautiful. |
An old man in love is like a flower in winter. |
Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one. |
Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking. |
Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love does much, money does everything. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love is blind, but marriage finds a cure. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love is a sweet torment. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love is strong as death. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love thy neighbour as thyself. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love will find a way. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love cannot be compelled. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love is without reason. Romanian Proverbs About Love |
Love understands all languages. Romanian Proverbs |
Love lasts as long as money endures. Romanian Proverbs |
Love is full of trouble. Romanian Proverbs |
Love me, love my dog. Romanian Proverbs |
Love covers many infirmities. Romanian Proverbs |
Love is the fruit of idleness. Romanian Proverbs |
Love will go through stone walls. Romanian Proverbs |
Love is not found in the market. Romanian Proverbs |
Love covers many faults. Romanian Proverbs |
Love and a cough cannot be hid. Romanian Proverbs |
Love your friend with his fault. Romanian Proverbs |
Love makes all hearts gentle. Romanian Proverbs |
Love is never without jealousy. Romanian Proverbs |
No herb will cure love. Romanian Proverbs |
No folly like being in love. Romanian Proverbs |
There is nothing worse than an old lover. Romanian Proverbs |
Perfect love casteth out fear. Romanian Proverbs |
Old love will not be forgotten. Romanian Proverbs |
No love like the first love. Romanian Proverbs |
Of soup and love, the first is the best. Romanian Proverbs |
There is a time to love, and a time to hate. Romanian Proverbs |
Each bird loves to hear himself sing. Romanian Proverbs |
The bird loves her nest. Romanian Proverbs |
Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. Romanian Proverbs |
The eye lets in love. Romanian Proverbs |
Faults are thick where love is thin. Romanian Proverbs |
The love of money is the root of all evil. Romanian Proverbs |
Fear is stronger than love. Romanian Proverbs |
Whom god loves, his bitch brings forth pigs. Romanian Proverbs |
Salt water and absence wash away love. Romanian Proverbs |
If you love the boll, you cannot hate branches. Romanian Proverbs |
The Muses love the morning. |
Jove laughs at lovers' perjuries. |
Short love, long sighs. |
The devil loves no holy water. |
The course of true love never did run smooth. Romanian Proverbs |
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. Romanian Proverbs |
Dry bread is better with love than a fat capon with fear. Romanian Proverbs |
Follow love and it will flee thee; flee love and it will follow thee. Romanian Proverbs |
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. |
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. |
Russian Love Proverbs |
Love and eggs are best when they are fresh. Russian Love Proverbs |
Love makes the owl seem prettier than a white falcon. Russian Love Proverbs |
Love is like a glass that breaks if handled clumsily. Russian Love Proverbs |
Love has its own language, but marriage falls back on the local dialect. Russian Love Proverbs |
Not all who make love make marriages. |
All ages are submissive to love. |
Smooth hands love the labor of others. |
Everyone loves the tree that gives him shelter. |
Mistrust is an axe in the tree of love. |
The first snow does not mean winter, nor the first love marriage. |
The horse loves oats; the earth, manure; and the governor, tribute. |
Those who love you will make you weep; those who hate you will make you laugh. |
There was a time they loved an accordionist, and now the time has come where they love a tractor driver. |
Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love and jealousy always keep company. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love without pain is not to be found anywhere. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love is apportioned, who brings it will have it brought. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love the one who loves you, answer the one who calls you. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Lovers' quarrels increase love. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love is like a cucumber, it starts off sweet and ends up bitter. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love and arrogance don't go together. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love, beauty and money are three things that can't be hidden. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love doesn't listen to advice. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love is the rock of youth and the shoal of old age. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love is bitter, but it comforts the heart. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love me, love my dog. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love, coughing, and smoke can't be kept concealed. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love is the more beautiful when it is a little irritated. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love God with all your heart and ignore the gossip-mongers. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love entered and you didn't realize it: you wanted to drive it out but you couldn't. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Love, everyone says it's bitter, but everyone wants to see for themselves if it's true. Sicilian Proverbs About Love |
Being in love with a married woman is living on borrowed time. |
Involuntary love is worthless. |
True love burns within the heart, better than flax and straw. |
Without jealousy, love would wither. |
When an old man falls in love he is teased by everyone. |
A small indignity can destroy a great love. |
You don't choose whom to love and not love. |
Better a poor husband than a lover who's a baron. |
When loves is willing, it finds a way. |
Don't love the one who loves you, it's tyranny. |
Whoever marries for love will always live in pain. |
New love throws out old love. |
Raising children engenders love. |
When loves knocks, be sure to answer. |
You will not be loved if you only think of yourself. |
A woman without love is like a rose without a scent. |
Whoever falls in love with an old person laments their fortune. |
When there's love, mountains seem like plains. |
Good manners and not beauty leads to love. |
Although there's a new love, the old love can't be forgotten. |
Who suffers because of love, feels no pain. |
The love of a stranger is like water in a basket. |
Where there is no love there is no charity. |
Who loves with his heart sees from a distance. |
Congeniality makes beauty and not beauty love. |
Who loves God with all his heart, lives happy and dies happy. |
If between friends there is not equality, there won't be perfect love. |
Who has cold hands is in love, who has warm hands is loved. |
In war, hunting, and love you suffer a thousand pains for one pleasure. |
The love of a soldier doesn't last long; when the drum rolls; Good bye, dear lady. |
Avoid the bad, love the good, because things change in a moment. |
Every little love captured as a playful spark becomes a great flame. |
A woman who dresses up and puts on makeup is either in love or a clean whore. |
If you want to be loved by all, first love God, then your mother and father. |
The promises of love and the smoke of a chimney, washed by water and blown away by the wind. |
It's a great advantage to love someone in your neighborhood: you see each other often and you don't have to travel. |
If you want to be happy, love the one who loves you, because it's a waste of time to love someone who doesn't love you. |
There are four things to which you should not lend credence: love of women, the charity of friars, sun in the winter, and clouds in the summer. |
Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love kills with golden arrows. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love will find a way. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love does much, money does everything. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love and faith are seen in works. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love me love my dog. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love laughs at locksmiths. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Lovers quarrels are soon mended. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Lovers think that others have no eyes. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love can do much, money can do everything. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love, grief, and money cannot be kept secret. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Lovers always think that other people are blind. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love is like war, begin when you like and leave off when you can. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love, pain, and money cannot be kept secret; they soon betray themselves. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love is like war: you begin when you like and leave off when you can. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love is like a mousetrap: you go in when you want, but you don't get out when you like. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Love one that does not love you, answer one that does not call you, and you will run a fruitless race. Spanish Love Proverbs |
Blue eyes say, Love me or I die; black eyes say, Love me or I kill thee. |
True love suffers no concealment. |
In the face of love and death, courage is useless. |
Where there is love, there is pain. |
Man, woman, and love created fire. |
A boy's love is water in a sieve. |
New loves drive out the old. |
There are eyes that fall in love with bleared ones. |
When love is not madness, it is not love. |
He who loves Bertrand loves his dog. |
A father's love, for all other is air. |
To love and be wise is impossible. |
Deeds are love, and not fine phrases. |
He who loves well is slow to forget. |
To give is honour, to love is grief. |
A man in love schemes more than a hundred lawyers. |
When two are in love, only one needs to eat. |
He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. |
Go to friends for advice, woman for love, strangers for charity and relatives for nothing. |
He who loves well, obeys well. |
She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome. |
Of all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, but love in vain. |
Absence is a foe to love; away from the eyes, away from the heart. |
He loves well who never forgets. |
All is fair in love and war. |
The oaths of one who loves a woman are not to be believed. |
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. |
In hunting and in love you begin when you like and leave off when you can. |
Out of love for the ox, the wolf licks the yoke. |
If love be timid it is not true. |
Of soups and loves the first are the best. |
The man who does not love a horse cannot love a woman. |
Fear and love never eat from the same plate. |
The fox knows a lot, but a woman in love knows even more. |
You will not be loved if you care for none but yourself. |
He who loves me loves my dog too. |
As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred. |
If you love me, John, your acts will tell me so. |
Whom the gods love die young. |
Wrinkles are the gravestones of love. |
One love drives out another. |
Fire and love do not say "Go to your work." |
Whom God loves, his bitch litters pigs. |
Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. |
He who loves Peter won't harm his dog. |
With lightning and with love, the clothes sound, the heart burned. |
Whilst the nurse suckles, we love her; when she is of no further use, she is forgotten. |
To offer friendship to one who is looking for love, is like giving bread to someone dying of thirst. |
Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well. |
Swedish Proverbs about Love |
Love has produced some heroes but even more idiots. Swedish Proverbs about Love |
Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies. Swedish Proverbs about Love |
Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it. Swedish Proverbs about Love |
Lovely flowers fade fast. Swedish Proverbs about Love |
Poverty and love are difficult to hide. |
Where poverty comes in, love goes out. * |
A life without love is like a year without summer. |
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