Thoughts by Shiv Khera Quotes in English Quotations

Shiv Khera is a renowned motivational speaker, author, and educator known for his impactful words and inspiring quotations. His insightful quotes have the power to resonate with individuals from all walks of life and encourage them to strive for success. Here are some thought-provoking quotes by Shiv Khera that stand as guiding principles for personal and professional growth:

1. "Winners don't do different things, they do things differently."
This quote epitomizes the essence of Khera's philosophy – emphasizing the importance of innovative thinking and a unique approach to achieving success. It reinforces the idea that achieving greatness requires a mindset focused on creativity and originality.

2. "Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success."
Khera's emphasis on the significance of positivity and proactive behavior is evident in this quote. It highlights the correlation between positive thinking and taking constructive actions, ultimately leading to the attainment of success.

3. "If you want to win in life, then respect your well-wishers, even if they are your rivals."
This quote emphasizes the value of respect and integrity in one’s journey to success. Khera stresses the importance of acknowledging and honoring the support and goodwill of others, even if they may be perceived as competitors.

4. "Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure."
In this thought-provoking statement, Khera underscores the detrimental impact of making excuses. The quote serves as a reminder that excuses hinder progress and act as obstacles on the path to success.

5. "Success is not an accident. It is the result of your attitude and your attitude is a choice."
Khera's emphasis on the significance of attitude in shaping one’s outcomes is evident in this powerful quote. It serves as a compelling reminder that success is a deliberate outcome of the choices made and the attitudes embraced.

Shiv Khera's quotes continue to inspire and motivate individuals worldwide, transcending barriers and instilling a sense of determination and positivity. His words serve as a guiding light, urging individuals to strive for excellence, maintain a positive outlook, and embrace a proactive approach towards realizing their aspirations.

Thought of the Day by Shiv Khera

The winner has a solution for every problem; the loser has a problem for every solution.

Events and experiences in life determine our attitude. If we have a positive experience with a person, our attitude towards him is likely to be positive and conversely negative experiences tend to make us cautious. Experiences and events become reference points in our lives and we draw conclusions which serve as guidelines for the future.

Success is no mystery, but simply the result of consistently applying some basic principles. The reverse is just as true: Failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly. All of this might sound too simplistic, but the fact is that most truths are very simple. I'm not saying they are easy, but they certainly are simple.

Our thoughts are causes. You sow a thought, you reap an action. You sow an action, you reap a habit. You sow a habit, you reap a character. You sow a character, you reap a destiny. It all starts with a thought.

Relationship Selling implies long-term commitment, common goals, mutual respect, ongoing trust and cooperation. Informal relationships, many a time, get converted into formal alliances also, helping joint-marketing and co-branding. Establishing a relationship is a series of steps, by and large in sequence only. Jumping steps or changing the sequence could be counterproductive.

Purpose: A lifetime goal is called a purpose. To identify your purpose, ask yourself “If my age was a hundred today and I looked back at my life, what is it that I want to say is my accomplishment?” The answer is your purpose. Mission: A mission is an action that leads a person to a purpose through a philosophy.

The best teachers will not give you something to drink, they will make you thirsty. They will not give you answers but will put you on a path to seek answers.

As one of the most respected speakers in the world, Mr. Shiv Khera will help re-charge your people to achieve new heights. Increase sales & productivity through Positive Attitude, Leadership, Motivation and Values.

An opportunity only knocks once. The next one may be better or worse, but never the same one. That is why it is so crucial to make the right decision at the right time. A right decision at the wrong time becomes a wrong decision.

Work hard and well and you will have the satisfaction of seeing your project completed. Sometimes others may show appreciation, but that’s a bonus, for the major satisfaction comes from within.

Some people make friends by wining and dining people with the sole objective of doing business with them. Once the usefulness goes, the friendship also goes. It is unfortunate because it is very shortsighted and insincere. One should keep in mind that just because a person is a friend it does not mean they are under an obligation to buy from you. In my career, I have acquired clients professionally and built friendships later, versus making friends with the intention of doing business. Sooner or later, people uncover the ulterior motive.

The habit of procrastination fatigues you more than the effort it takes to do the task.

The habit of procrastination fatigues you more than the effort it takes to do the task.

Learning is a lot like eating. It is not how much we eat that matters, but what really matters is how much we digest.

Learning is a lot like eating. It is not how much we eat that matters, but what really matters is how much we digest.

Leadership is about persuasion, presentation, and people skills.

Leadership is about persuasion, presentation, and people skills.

It is easier to make money but much tougher to make a difference.

It is easier to make money but much tougher to make a difference.

There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.

There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.

True character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

True character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

Intellectual education influences the head and values-based education influences the heart.

Intellectual education influences the head and values-based education influences the heart.

If a child goes the wrong way, it is not the child who is to be blamed; it is the parents who are responsible.

If a child goes the wrong way, it is not the child who is to be blamed; it is the parents who are responsible.

Maintain an idea book, ideas evaporate faster than we think.

Maintain an idea book, ideas evaporate faster than we think.

- Quotation

The essence of Relationship Selling is when we convert a customer into a client and the seller gains the status of a supplier.

The essence of Relationship Selling is when we convert a customer into a client and the seller gains the status of a supplier.

Under Adverse conditions - some people break down,some break records.

Under Adverse conditions - some people break down,some break records.

If we are not part of the solution, then we are the problem.

If we are not part of the solution, then we are the problem.

Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.

Learn to Like the Things That Need to be Done.

We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge and wisdom. Education ought to teach us not only how to make a living but also how to live.

Money is a very important tool to make a big difference in people's life. It is positive or negative depending on the values.

Wise people prefer to benefit from constructive criticism rather than be ruined by false praise.

The foundation of success is attitude.

If you think you can - you can !
If you think you can not - you can not !
And either are right !

Lot of things depend on the up bringing of a child.

Schools are a fountain of knowledge: some students come to drink , some to sip and others just to gargle.

Shiv Khera Quotes in English

Feeling good is a natural outcome of doing good; and doing good is a natural outcome of being good.

When we take care of our people problems our business problems are automatically solved.

Success is not an accident. It is the result of your attitude and your attitude is a choice. Hence success is a matter of choice and not chance.

Under adverse conditions - some people break down, some break records.

Striving for perfection is neurotic; striving for excellence is progress. Excellence is continuous improvement. There is nothing that cannot be done better or improved the next time.

Relationship Selling implies long-term commitment, common goals, mutual respect, ongoing trust and cooperation.

I think it’s the person’s conviction that really carries a person.

If you want to build a positive attitude, then associate with people of high moral character and read books that lead you to positive thinking.

Parents do not have the courage to say no to certain things that their children demand. They are rather scared of their children.

I think it's the person's conviction that really carries a person.

Ability teaches us how we do, motivation determines why we do, and attitude decides how well we do.

Humans can create their own environment, whereas animals have to adapt to their environment.

A person’s character is judged not only by the company they keep but also by the company they avoid.

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal.

The tragedy is that there are many walking encyclopedias who are living failures.

Most people want to win in life but very few are willing to pay the price to prepare to win.

Progressive’ means that success is a journey, not a destination. It’s an ongoing process. We never arrive.

Remember, a person's character is not only judged by the company he or she keeps but also by the company he or she avoids.

Motivation is like fire - unless you keep adding fuel to it, it dies. Your fuel is your belief in your inner values.

In long term investments, you don't need day to day management.

In long term investments, you don't need day to day management.

Negative people will always criticize.

Winners see the gain; losers see the pain.

The way to get started is to stop talking and get started.

It is crucial to make the right decision at the right time.

Halfhearted effort does not produce half results; it produces no results.

Ability will get you success; character will keep you successful.

Winners don't do different things. They do things differently.

Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.

One cannot be a good teacher unless he is a good student.

There is no substitute to hard work.

Attitude is the foundation to success. The greater the success, the stronger the foundation.

The winner has a solution for every problem; the loser has a problem for every solution. *

Opportunity is always under our feet. We don’t have to go anywhere. All we need to do is recognize it.

Ability teaches us how to do, motivation determines why we do, and attitude decides how well we do.

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Be courteous to all, but intimate with a few and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.

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The difference between a great man a little man is their commitment to integrity and hard work.

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Positive attitude with positive actions supported by efforts increases the possibility of your success.

Direction is more important than speed. Many people are going nowhere fast.

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Winners don't do different things , they do things differently.

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The difference if I buy a photocopier from you, I have made a transaction and am considered a customer.

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Ninety percent of selling is conviction, and ten percent is persuasion.

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Lot of things depend on the upbringing of the child.

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An abundance of commonsense is called wisdom.

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Be solution focused.

Money is a very important tool to make a big difference in people’s lives. It is positive or negative depending on the values.

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Human multitasking is the ability to do multiple things, but one at a time.

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A person with a positive attitude is like a fruit for all seasons.

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Ninety percent of selling is conviction, and 10 per cent is persuasion.

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So long as you have your eyes on the goal, you don’t see the obstacles.

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People who wish to go into the future should have two skills to succeed - the ability to deal with people and the ability to sell.

My first objective is to invest, and if I have anything spare, then I spend.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you will be doomed if you don’t try.

Where are the people who don’t have goals headed? Those 97 percent end up working for the 3 percent.

Super achievers don’t waste time in unproductive thoughts, esoteric thoughts or catastrophic thoughts. They think constructively and they know that their level of thinking determines their success.

A person with low self-esteem is suffering from loneliness even when he is amongst large groups of people, whereas a person with high self-esteem is enjoying solitude out of choice.

The greatest gift that humans have is the ability to think. Of all the creatures in the world, humans are physically the most ill-equipped.

The erosion of extended family concept and losing out on values are the two things that are primarily responsible for the growing mismatch in the parent-child relationship.

A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met and Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river.

The question is, do we have to be ten times smarter than the competition? Absolutely not. All we need is the nose and the rewards are ten times bigger. It’s a lot easier to improve one per cent in hundred different areas than to improve hundred per cent in any one area. That is the winning edge!

Research has shown that it takes 31 days of conscious effort to make or break a habit. That means, if one practices something consistently for 31 days, on the 32nd day it does become a habit. Information has been internalized into behavioral change, which is called transformation.

As a young cartoonist, Walt Disney faced many rejections from newspaper editors who said he had no talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some cartoons. Disney was working out of a small rodent-infested shed near the church. Seeing a small mouse inspired him to draw a new cartoon. That was the start of Mickey Mouse.

Some people make friends by wining and dining people with the sole objective of doing business with them. Once the usefulness goes, the friendship also goes.

There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burnt up. Thank God we can start anew.” In spite of disaster, three weeks later, he invented the phonograph. What an attitude!

Realisation’ means it is an experience. Outside forces cannot make me feel successful. I have to feel it within myself. It is internal not external. That is why what often appears success externally may be total hollowness internally.

People with positive attitudes have certain personality traits that are easy to recognise. They are caring, confident, patient and humble. They have high expectations of themselves and others. They expect positive outcomes.

SUCCESS does not mean an absence of problems, it is overcoming problems. Success is not measured by how high we go up in life, but how many times we bounce back when we fall down.

Opportunity is always under our feet. We don't have to go anywhere. All we need to do is recognize it. When people don't know how to recognize opportunity, they complain of noise when it knocks. The same opportunity never knocks twice. The next one may be better or worse, but it is never the same one.

Remember the greatest motivator is belief. We have to inculcate in ourselves the belief that we are responsible for our actions and behavior. When people accept responsibility, everything improves: quality, productivity, relationships and teamwork.

Everything that we enjoy is a result of someone’s hard work. Some work is visible and other work goes unseen, but both are equally important.

An uneducated thief may steal goods from the train but an educated one may steal the entire train. We need to compete for knowledge and wisdom, not for grades.

Oh, how a small portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living!

Looking for the positive does not necessarily mean overlooking faults. being a positive thinker does not mean one has to agree or accept everything. It only means that a person is solution-focused.

I started life washing cars in Canada before moving on to selling life insurance and vacuum cleaners. Later, I went through a programme by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, which literally changed my life.

Let me share a famous life history with you. This was a man who failed in business at the age of twenty-one; was defeated in a legislative race at age twenty-two; failed again in business at age twenty-four; had his sweetheart die when he was age twennty-six; had a nervous breakdown at age twenty-seven; lost a congressional race at age thirty-four; lost a senatorial race at age forty-five; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age forty-seven; lost a senatorial race at age forty-nine; and was elected president of the United States at age fifty-two. This man was Abraham Lincoln.

Purpose: A lifetime goal is called a purpose. To identify your purpose, ask yourself “If my age was a hundred today and I looked back at my life, what is it that I want to say is my accomplishments?” The answer is your purpose.

Worthiness is what gives meaning and fulfillment. Success without fulfillment is empty. That’s like good looks without goodness. In life we need substance over form, not form over substance.