Famous Power Quotes in English with Images

Power consists in one’s capacity to link his will with the purpose of others, to lead by reason and a gift of cooperation.

- Woodrow Wilson Quotes

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.

- David Brin Quotes

Far better to think historically, to remember the lessons of the past.  Thus, far better to conceive of power as consisting in part of the knowledge of when not to use all the power you have.  Far better to be one who knows that if you reserve the power not to use all your power, you will lead others far more successfully and well.

- A. Bartlett Giamatti Quotes

Be fit for more than the thing you are doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using.  If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it.

- James A. Garfield Quotes

To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it.

- Power Quotes by Charles Caleb Colton

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.

- Power Quotes by Abraham Lincoln

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.

- Power Quotes by Abraham Lincoln Download or Share

The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good.

- Power Quotes by Baltasar Gracian

The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good.

- Power Quotes by Baltasar Gracian

Let not thy will roar, when thy power can but whisper. 

- Power Quotes by Dr. Thomas Fuller

Let not thy will roar, when thy power can but whisper.

- Power Quotes by Dr. Thomas Fuller

It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.

- Eric Hoffer Quote

It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.

- Power Quotes by Eric Hoffer

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure?

- Power Quotes by Harry Shearer Download or Share

The great secret of power is never to will to do more than you can accomplish.

- Henrik Ibsen Quotes

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

- John Lehman Quotes

One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.

- John Stuart Quotes

If power was an illusion, wasn’t weakness necessarily one also?

- Lois McMaster Bujold Quotes

Power never takes a back step – only in the face of more power.

- Malcolm X Quotes

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

- Lord Acton Quotes

The highest proof of virtue is to possess boundless power without abusing it.

- Lord Macaulay Quotes

The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use – of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public.

- Robert F. Kennedy Quotes

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

- Seneca Quotes

Knowledge is power.

- Sir Francis Bacon Quotes

We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.

- Stephen Vincent Benet Quotes

We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.

- Stewart L. Udall Quotes

An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.

- Thomas Jefferson Quotes

The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

- William Hazlitt Quotes

You see what power is – holding someone else’s fear in your hand and showing it to them!

- Power Quotes by Amy Tan

Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself.

- Elie Wiesel Quote

The secret of all power is – save your force.  If you want high pressure you must choke off waste.

- Joseph Farrell Quotes