List of Kashmiri Proverbs English

Kashmiri Proverbs are a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of the region. These proverbs carry with them the wisdom, traditions, and values of the Kashmiri people. They offer valuable insights into life, relationships, and human nature. Here is a list of some popular Kashmiri proverbs translated into English:

1. "Travelling is learning."
2. "A closed mouth catches no flies."
3. "Rain does not fall on one roof alone."
4. "A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf."
5. "A wise man’s day is worth a fool’s life."

These proverbs not only provide linguistic and cultural insights but also offer wisdom that transcends borders and languages. They are a testament to the universal wisdom that is found in traditional sayings and expressions.

Kashmiri proverbs offer a unique way to understand and appreciate the culture and worldview of the Kashmiri people. They delve deep into the collective consciousness of the community and reflect the experiences and values that have been passed down through generations.

In conclusion, the list of Kashmiri proverbs translated into English provides a glimpse into the cultural richness and wisdom of the Kashmiri people. These proverbs are not just words; they are a testament to the enduring legacy of Kashmiri culture and tradition.

A man loves his own shortcomings.


Saving mustard seeds in hand, while a watermelon escapes.


The bachelors crave it, and the married ones regret it.


Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel.

Bolted windows with the door ajar.


If it comes, it is golden; if it doesn't, it was made of grass.


One plus one makes eleven.

One plus one makes eleven.

A single log of wood does not burn even in an oven.

A single log of wood does not burn even in an oven.

Wisdom and serenity should not unduly weigh down a person.

Wisdom and serenity should not unduly weigh down a person.

Forcing a bludgeon through a chinar trunk. Doing the impossible.

Forcing a bludgeon through a chinar trunk. Doing the impossible.


The customers are known to the shopkeepers.

The customers are known to the shopkeepers.

Among the ignorant a little knowledge is of great value.

Among the ignorant a little knowledge is of great value.

One man's breath's another man's death.

One man's breath's another man's death.

I bought the nettle, sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me.

I bought the nettle, sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me.

When rogues fallout, honest men come by their own.

When rogues fallout, honest men come by their own.

Food will last while the forests last.

The danger past, and God forgotten.

No sunshine but hath some shadow.

A kick works as a treatment to a hunch backed person.

Life cannot be trusted; death can come at any moment.

Two's company, the third person is an intruder.

One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it.

When pumpkins are watered, brinjals also get watered. *

Bad times came to be; hens on thrones we were to see.

The fall is nobody's sire.

God is the friend of both the simple guy and the leper.

No sweet without sweat.

What care is a friend worth? What handling can a chickling take?

A blind man's wife is God's keeping.

True religion is in one's heart.

One man cut the barrage, and a thousand people fell into the river.

Empty vessels make much noise.

It doesn't take time to change one's destiny.

To serve a mean person, is to beat the earth.

Unity is strength.

Don't count your chicken before they hatch.

A king for a moment, and a beggar soon after.

Unity is equal to a thousand golden coins.

Obeisance to the self that is a reflection of eternal reality.

Agreement with two people, lamentation with three.

To roast fish on sky and to eat them.

Clean your heart and mind of negative thoughts.

The hen scratches and the chicken learns.

The gardener had not yet dug out the radish, when the beggar held the alms-bowl in front of him.

Destiny often withholds the crown from the very person who deserves it.

One and one are sometimes eleven.

A pestle upon a peg, and a mortar upon a clothes line.

Its tuff to find fools; ten in every other house.

One man can burn water, whereas another cannot even burn oil.

The sufferer goes through hell till the truth comes out.

Eleven persons take eleven paths.

Eleven persons take eleven paths.

Ignorance is the peace of life.

Ignorance is the peace of life.

Service is greatness.

Service is greatness.

No strength within, no respect without.

No strength within, no respect without.

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