Famous Committees Quotes in English

There is no monument dedicated to the memory of a committee.

-Lester J. Pourciau Quote

To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three men, two of whom are absent.

- Robert Copland Quotes

A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.

- Sir Barnett Cocks Quotes

If computer get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee - that will do them in.

- Committees Quotes by Bradley's Bromide

A committee can make a decision that is dumber than any of its members.

- Committees Quotes by David Coblitz

Not even computers will replace committees, because committees buy computers.

- Committees Quotes by Edward Shepherd Mead

Committee-a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.

- Committees Quotes by Fred Allen