List of Haitian Proverbs Sayings

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**Exploring the Wisdom of Haitian Proverbs**

Haiti, the land of vibrant culture and rich traditions, is also home to a treasure trove of wisdom encapsulated in its proverbs and sayings. These timeless expressions reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of the Haitian people, offering profound insights into life, relationships, and human nature. Let's delve into the richness of Haitian proverbs with this curated list:

1. "Beyond mountains, more mountains"
This proverb reflects the idea that challenges often come one after another. It encourages perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity, reminding us that difficulties are a natural part of life's journey.

2. "Little by little, the bird builds its nest"
Encapsulating the essence of patience and persistence, this saying emphasizes the value of gradual progress and the importance of perseverance in reaching one's goals.

3. "Good is rare"
This proverb serves as a gentle reminder to appreciate and cherish the goodness in life, as it is often a precious and scarce commodity.

4. "Many hands make the load lighter"
Highlighting the significance of collaboration and unity, this proverb underscores the idea that collective effort and support can alleviate the burden of challenges and hardships.

5. "Little by little, the bird builds its nest"
Echoing the sentiment of gradual progress, this saying reinforces the notion that perseverance and consistency lead to significant accomplishments.

6. "Give a blow and forget, but carry the mark in mind"
Encouraging thoughtful action and accountability, this proverb emphasizes the importance of learning from past experiences and being mindful of the consequences of one's actions.

These Haitian proverbs stand as timeless pillars of wisdom, offering profound reflections on the universal aspects of the human experience. Their enduring relevance resonates beyond geographical boundaries, captivating hearts and minds with their timeless truths.

A single finger cannot catch fleas.


The crab that walks too far falls into the pot.


If you want to please, never say things are going well.


Behind the gentle barb lies the deadly barb.


The way you got married is not the way you'll get divorced.


Hang your knapsack where you can reach it.


A foreseen disaster should not kill the handicapped.


Children have wide ears and long tongues.


Little by little, the bird builds its nest.


The crab that walks miles too far will fall into the pot.

The crab that walks miles too far will fall into the pot.

An empty sack doesn't stand up.

An empty sack doesn't stand up.

The rat knows full well that, if the cat is old and feeble, its claws are not.

The rat knows full well that, if the cat is old and feeble, its claws are not.

If you sleep under a tree, you can't prevent the leaf from falling on you.

If you sleep under a tree, you can't prevent the leaf from falling on you.

Beyond mountains, there are more mountains.

Beyond mountains, there are more mountains.

The dead do not know the value of white sheets.

The dead do not know the value of white sheets.

The dead do not know the value of white sheets.

Hello is your passport.

The constitution is paper, bayonets are steel.

The constitution is paper, bayonets are steel.

A stumble is not a fall.

A stumble is not a fall.

God has only one measure for all people.

To stumble is not to fall.

If you want your eggs hatched, sit on them yourself.

The child says nothing, but what it heard by the fire.

Children aren't dogs; adults aren't gods.

The pencil of God has not an eraser.

Little snakes need to grow in hiding.

Do not insult the mother alligator until after you have crossed the river.

True courage is knowing how to suffer.

Age and marriage tame the beast.

If ye do wrang, mak amends.

The dog has four feet, but he does not walk in four roads at the same time.

Being careful is not being a coward.

Two skinny people don't fry.

The pencil of God has no eraser.

A mirror doesn't know how to lie.

The child saith nothing but what he heard at the fireside.

Don't insult the alligator until you've crossed the river.

It's because the rat knows what he does at night that he doesn't go out during day.

The macaco doesn't climb up the acacia tree two times.

What you deserve you don't have to ask for.

If work were good for you, the rich would leave none for the poor.

A monkey never thinks her baby's ugly.

The child of a tiger is a tiger.

Hunger is misery; a full stomach is trouble.

Beyond the mountain is another mountain.

The donkey sweats so the horse can be decorated with lace.

Many hands make a workload lighter.

An empty sack cannot stand up.

If they had cereal, they'd want gumbo.

When god chooses to give, it shall come in through the door.

Eggs have no business dancing with stones. *

The good white man dies, the bad one remains.

You don't throw rocks at a green mango.

Ignorance doesn't kill you, but it does make you sweat a lot.

Better rags than nakedness.

The fish don't see the water.

The bocor gives you a protective charm, but he doesn't tell you to sleep in the middle of the highway.

I would rather be deceived by an intelligent person than by a jackass.

When the cat's stomach is full, the rat's back is bitter.

No matter how beautiful the shoes are, they still have to go on the ground.

A woman is like mahogany: the older she is, the better she is.

Ignorance doesn't necessarily kill you but it makes you sweat a lot.

You don't know a man before he takes a woman.

Children learn to creep ere they can learn to go.

The frog's pee adds to the river.

A silk dress doesn't mean clean undergarments.

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

If someone sweats for you, you change his shirt.

Arriving and leaving, hoping and remembering, that's what life consists of.

Salt does not brag that it is salted.

Only the knife knows the heart of a pineapple.

The goat that has many owners will be left to die in the sun.

When you curse your stepmother, your mother will be the victim.

Getting married with a woman is nothing; it's assuming the responsibility of marriage that counts.

You don't buy a cat in a bag.

Better to take your time on the way, if you bring good news.

If the lizard were good to eat, it would not be so common.

Poor people entertain with the heart.

When you know that people are watching you, there are things that you don't do.

Beat the dog; wait for its master.

Beat the dog; wait for its master.

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Little by little the bird makes his nest.

Little by little the bird makes his nest.

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All food is fit to eat, but not all words are fit to speak.

All food is fit to eat, but not all words are fit to speak.

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To speak French doesn't mean you are smart.

To speak French doesn't mean you are smart.

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